A Great Foundation to BUILD a Career on

A sample lecture directly from our course. Contact us today for a customized demo of our training.

Our school is broken down by general measurement discipline, with the 8 most common general disciplines currently covered in the course. Completion of all the individual programs will grant the award of our Sine Calibration School Graduation Badge.

Badge programs are somewhat new to the metrology and calibration community, but are growing amongst many other industries in the world. At their most basic level, badges are a digital replacement for paper certificates that have been given for decades when completing training. But what they offer is much more dynamic than the old paper certificates of the past. With digital certificates (badges) the details of the training, who gave the training and what issuing body gave the badge is instantly verifiable.

Badges currently offered at Sine Calibration School are (links are currently being updated):

The Sine Calibration School Graduation Badge

The Sine Calibration School Graduation Badge

Level 1-

General Metrology




Force and Torque


NOW AVAILABLE: High Frequency/VSWR!!

Non-Badged Training-

Mass and Weight


The badge below is an example how badges can be shared on a websites or various applications. You can either click on the actual badge or you can click the verify button and then the red verification button on the next page to verify the badge.

Go ahead!.. Tap the badge seen below!

Sine Calibration School Level 1 Pressure

Awarded: Dec 12, 2020

Awarded To: Ryan Egbert